For coffee lovers, the strong aroma of the hot drink is the ultimate wake-up call. Nothing beats a day that’s greeted by a cup of coffee as you inhale fresh morning air. Be it in the house or wherever you go, you just need to get a boost of energy with caffeine to hit the ground running.

Coffee has been more than just for perking up one’s day: for some, they cannot function without a shot of the booster, while others simply enjoy taking in a hot cup for relaxation. The bottom line is, it has become part of almost everyone’s daily lives, sans the tea lovers.

With that said, most of us have already mastered our own beverage, from the desired strength to the mug we always use, to the exact amount of water to pour, we all know the drill when it comes to our cup of coffee. However, it is best to ask ourselves about the things we don’t know about the wonder drink. Perhaps it’s best to ponder on these facts while sipping on a hot cup of Joe.

Health Benefits

Coffee addicts would know these by heart but naysayers will obviously say that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits the wonder drink brings. However, coffee isn’t just to keep us awake or to make us feel relaxed as it is also good for health.

It has antioxidants, which the body uses as a protective shield against cancer and heart disease, and fights off aging, too. According to studies, coffee lovers have an 11 percent lower incidence of heart failure and a 40 percent lower risk of getting liver cancer.

Used for Other Purposes

Coffee had been around for a long time but did you know that people used it for a different purpose back in the day? For instance, the Ethiopian tribe of Oromo didn’t use water with the beans – instead, they ground them and mix them with fat to make a chewable candy which could be eaten like a granola bar.

Arabica over Robusta

There are so many types of coffees in the market that you shopping for the perfect blend can become a difficult task. But studies show that 70 percent of the coffee-drinkers consume Arabica coffee, a mild yet aromatic type, that’s been favored by most Americans, while 30 percent drink Robusta, a more bitter one as compared to Arabica, albeit stronger.